Carpe diem!



And yes, I did, I planned this post in the morning. ;)
Yesterday I watched "About Time" movie (what a contrast in genres after "TBOTFA"!) which inspired me a lot to write this post.

So turn on the music below and I'd love to invite you for some reading.

Firstly shortly about the movie. So Richard Curtis is one of my favorite directors, I think the leading in genre of romantic comedies ("Notting Hill"! "LoveActually" ! more and more!). This time also touched my upset from miseries heart. The movie reminded me again, that I live only once and I have to care of each single moment of my life, because it never repeats again.

I think that the best movies are these which have a message, which you have to discover by yourself. 

I'm discovering I should smile more. I should be happy more often. Of course life isn't a fairytale and a lot just makes us unhappy. But after moment of considering...why not be a little bit more optimistic, especially at the beginning of the New Year, if we have a choice? 
I'm going to try. And I'm going to encourage those of you who will maybe visit my blog with some posts including positive things. Positive music, positive quotes, positive books and even positive people. We cannot feel happy surronded by same negatives.
 (Except in situation when we've just eaten the last spoon of Nutella and everyone around us wants to eat it NOW and feel so bad they can't do it. Ok. That's an crazy example, but true, don't you think? :) 

So here you are some positive quotes which maybe will help you live today the best way you can. And, no, you don't need to make big things to make this day special - noticing these smaller, seemed unimportant things which are, in fact, awesome will make it special. 
Carpe diem, people! If not today, try the next one! 



All images come from Pinterest website (such a lot of inspirations, I love it!)

Have a great day, 


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