When I Wanted to Lay on the Stone I Cry



I was thinking for almost half of a day (as the storm took away my wi-fi and I couldn't appear here earlier) what title I should have choose for this post. I find that one a bit of tragic, but it's very true and definitely relates to the next nature inspired metaphor I wanted to create here. 

Struggle? Giving up? Overcoming difficulties? There you go - my fingers say, also whispering to the tired legs shut up you did it!

The metaphor is life of course, the base is songs and literature classic - the mountain climb. 

First of all you should know, I'm not very keen on the mountains walks, I mean I love and admire their beaty, however I feel comfortable being beneath the top. 

But my friend called me and was like hey do you want to finish the summer holidays in a very special way? and I was like I have no idea what I'm doing or where I'm going - YES. 

Spontaneous decisions are very good and needed but I didn't quite agree with that as we reached the first, small part of the mountain climb (then I found out it is the highest one in our local mountain range). Actually, we were after about 15 km walk from the town, it was a middle of the night since we were heading for a sunrise view at the top. The last thing was very motivating but still not enough when I felt the moment I was loosing with my stumbling blocks. 

Everything seemed fine, I could still catch my breath but my legs were going heavily down, taking the rest of me with them. I dreamed at once about lying on the ground for a while and then standing up & carrying on. But I knew if I stopped for too long, we'd loose a chance to see the promised sunset. I didn't like that feeling, that I had to hurry. 

I hurry enough everyday
I don't know the half of these guys, am I trying hard for them or for myself?
If I stay will it be my personal failure or just reasonable decision of self-love and care?

These words were racing throughout my brain, making it heavier than the legs at some moments. I needed to find a solution, because in the following minutes they could decided on their own, leading to epic bath in the mud and dirt. 

And then I suddenly discovered it. Restraint, harmony. 
The trip was supposed to be challenging, but pleasure not the lead-to-stones-bed race. I asked the rest for a short stop. They agreed, of course, because they're good people and how could I even think they wouldn't. Good people will stay around you, I knew it and that was the big wave of energy at first. 

Then I started thinking about my personal needs. I've also discovered I was quite thirsty. I just took out the bottle of water and decided to keep it still in my hand. The little sips kept me more alive. 
That was the second step - to take care of my body, the health without there is very little life to have. 

At the end I stopped my chaotic thoughts as well. I've choosed to listen up the stories the guy I totally didn't know was telling in front of me. I was visualizing them. Started laughing and commenting. The peace has spread my inner self. Now it was just more steps to take and that was enough solution. I got ready to see the mountain sunset. 

And I reached the top, I screamed and I even didn't have a panting. The biggest physical challenge in my life? Probably. But there was the brain that actually caused the distraction, not the body. 

Aware you are loved.
The health. 
Cleaning the mind. 

When we set the bonfire, fried some apples and observed the sunrise, for me the very first mountain sunset I'd felt that it was one of the best experiences in my life. 

Ah, my life. 
Sometimes you are charmingly ironic. 


(the described sunrise, amateur video with a very unprofessional cold-hand trembling) 

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  1. You found some lovely things to film and photograph

    1. Indeed! But now I'm watching the video, and oh, how bad quality it is! Still, very special.

      Thanks for your comments!
