How the menu choice can tell you who you are



Today I'm coming to you with a very yummy-looking post about... choices, actually. 
A piece of chocolate, a jar of honey and more pieces of my psychology thinking. There you go.

I've been recently spending my time in bars and restaurants, while on a way I don't fulfill my kitchen ambitions, I just want to taste new things. 

That's all I'm focusing on in this post. 

Tasting. Trying. Having courage to let yourself get crazy a little. Now. Here. Yes. 

Because I've noticed every time I very carefully go through the menu I feel I'd take that pasta I know very well, the cheesecake I've eaten thousand times so far... and then I get this moment of break and feel: hey, I need a change. I should taste something new. And I always choose something (if it's not fast food bar) I've not eaten before. 

That shows me how we, people, are afraid (yes, in such everyday seemly not important matters) of leaving our own comfort zone:

I will take this spaghetti, because I eat it at my home and those squids look strange, I can get sick after eating them.

You know what I mean, right? 

We live in a world of the schemes we create also by ourselves. Labels are so common, but they make us feel safe somehow. I'm observing that it embraces in so many little-big matters:

This necklace will make me look like a hipster, I won't wear it.
If I say it now, they will think I'm stupid, I will better keep my mouth closed.
My husband/wife/friend doesn't like it, I will somehow deal with the thing, they're more important. 

I want to tell you, taking the menu choice as my reflection base, that your subjective way of life is ALSO important. Everyday choices should be made by your own. Suggestions are good, but what if there is no one to suggest around? What do you do? 

Your comfort zone narrows which makes you feel a bit stressed out. In your own zone. How ironic, but how true!  If you understand yourself well, then this whole rim will disappear after some time. You'll be able to look wider at the world and the choices, life can be more interesting and various than we even imagine. 

That's what I wanted to share, maybe I've been eating too much recently or maybe I've got a little weird way to combine food & life, but if these two things are for you as much important as for me, then, I hope, we can get on well. 

At the end some photos from a local shop - because there is nothing more rewarding when you travel and get a chance and choose this chance to welcome regional products in your stomach and shopping bag. 

Have a tasty life! 


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  1. I'm living of solely of the English phenomenon known as "the cricket tea" as I play both Saturdays and Sundays. Not doing my mass in kg much good!
