That fozy kind of a day



Fozy in scottish dialect means grey, boring and dull generally. I found that word and thought it would perfectly match the description of the day everyone of us has from time to time, so THE FOZY DAY. 

You know it is like that just after waking up, which comes harder than normally. You've got several things to do, maybe written on your cork board waiting excited to be done. 

But your legs are so heavy and your brain even more. You murmur to yourself: No. 

And you want to stay in your bed for the rest of this day. 

It doesn't have to look like taken from the Sweeney Tood movie. 
It can be sunny, optimistic boosting and very pleasant outside but you become rebellious, you've already decided the dark mood is what you opt for now. 

I've got curious about this foziness, let's say, and started thinking what really causes the behavior. Exhaustion? Tough day at work before? Row with a friend or a simple laziness? 

All the answers can be true, but what doesn't genuinely help in the matter is overthinking about it.
Like you don't feel particular, you just can't focus on anything more than basic activities. Sleeping, eating, bathroom, eating, bathroom, sleeping. These are the things you're able to do. You are, you live, but when someone starts to speaking to you it seems yourself has gone to the land of imagination and own Pensive. So the others start asking you what's wrong, what happened and all what you answer is: nothing, because actually nothing really happened

Then, I observed, the fozy day is gone and somehow everything comes back to normal. Is it depression? Is it possible everyone touches this phenomenom a bit in their lives? 

Well, I stated that it's just the short moment for our brain, which is long (one full day!) moment for our body to recharge and sort out the thoughts. Like, your mind works a few times more effectively not letting you do other different things. 

Maybe it's a crazy theory, but what's not crazy in our world now? I want to encourage you to take it, tough, as a convincing one. 

As you agree with that, you'll immediately become more comfortable about yourself at that fozy kind of day. You won't need to look for particular solution, taking it as a part of your living journey and being O.K. with that. 

You know, sometimes not caring and letting stuff being the stuff is an easier way. World is complicated enough! 


At the end of this trying-hard-psychology-thinking post I want to relate some words to the main photo. It was taken during the pourdown which visited the tarrace while the sun was still shining. Such a beautiful moment! 

And then I thought, having the previous post words ready in my head, that this short time rain was actually the fozy moment for that place on Earth. It was overloaded and needed to sort out the matters so the rain came and covered everything for a moment with its heavy lee. That was needed and that was O.K. 

So if you don't feel like accepting your fozy kind of day, look for the rain and imagine it's a new beginning for the world around, so for yourself as well. Breath and carry on. See? It works. 


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