Christmas ends, snow starts falling


Yep, I decided to write something.

Because Christmas is a very special time of my year. Always. I hope it will stay forever. With this ... hmm... how to call it properly... : carefree, child's happiness. I love everything in Christmas. Carols but Christmas songs too, Christmas tree and baking cookies.... thousands of things are associated with Christmas and I love all of them. Even on Christmas shopping I don't care so much about this big crowd. I just look at these colourful lights in shopping malls and I feel better. (But just in Christmas atmosphere, because usually 3 hours in shopping mall is just ENOUGH and I need coffee and home back) How about you? Do you feel this magic of Christmas?

It's a shame, that they last not very long. I even didn't notice, when these 3 days were left (in my country we have actually 3 days of celebrating Xmas)... But this year Christmas were great. I spent whole time with my family, I called friends for wishes on 1st day but later turned off the phone and just enjoyed being together. The rest from the media is really needed and I'd like to say something about it too. People spend too much time on iPods, TV, Internet and.... WAIT! 
It's not a lecture of good behaviour and modern problems, no, no. We know it. We live with it. Okay. Get it. But I see one thing is getting worse and worse still: people are still in a rush. They can't enjoy their lives very much. Even on Christmas time. Media are the part of this problem too. They usually tell us same bad news, did you notice? You hear about a fire 3 squares away and you shouldn't worry so much about you, because it wasn't YOUR house but your mood get worse then. Why we are stuck in reality where the bad things, which are known very well are the main topics of our talks? Maybe in your countries (wherever you are from) it's not so popular sight but in mine is (I mean Poland, central Europe, yes, yes a lot of ravioli and vodka - that's the way foreigners think about us). I'M TIRED OF IT! I FED UP WITH IT!
I know life is full of sad and terrible things, but I can't go deeper and deeper in this kind of fatality. Because I also know that they're a lot of beautiful and good things I should be happy about. And believe me, I'm trying and you should too. 
For some reflections about this whole thing I have got for you 2, very honest, good songs telling something important about (media) world and its influence on us.
 I hope your Christmas weren't full of bad news. I hope you had a great time and caught good energy for the next days and even whole year. 

Take care in this crazy world, 


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